Monday, January 26, 2009


It's about TIME!!! After being DESPERATE to find out a way to get all my pictures off my camera and onto this blog, I FINALLY came to a solution....

The story: After searching the car, our house, and my parents house high and low for that stupid USB cord that came with the camera so that you can take pictures off of it and put it onto your computer, there was no luck. I was desperate. SO... I started searching the Internet for this cord thinking that SOMEBODY has got to have one. in all of my searching, I found ONE person that had it and was selling it on eBay for 35 buck. PSH... yeah right! I decided to call circuit city where i got my camera to see if they happened to have the cord and if they sale them separately. They didn't and referred me to Ritz Cameras. In my desperate need for SOMETHING, I decided to call Ritz only to find out that in the world of electronics, if your camera is more than 2 years old, you can kiss it goodbye. GOOD LUCK trying to find that one thing you need for it. UGH.... So, again, being desperate, I asked them if there were any other options. They told me about this "card reader" that reads your memory card and then sticks into your computer through the USB. BRILLIANT RIGHT? NOT if you want to go cheep. I had this idea to go to target and get a 5 dollar one. After being all excited and getting home to try it out, it didn't work. PPPPPTHTHTHTHTTHTHTH!!! So i packed it all back up... and went back to target and got my money back, ran across the street and bought the 20 dollar one at Ritz camera. and WALLAH!!!! IT WORKS! I guess it pays off to be desperate sometimes. BLAH! so.... now for the part you all have been waiting for. I will explain as they go!

I will do my best to put them in order....

Picture of CJ and I on his birthday before we took off to the movies.

When CJ left for Georgia for 2 weeks, i took a trip to Utah with my Aunt and a few of her kids. This is Brandon at a store that we stopped at. He is such a character!

This was the night that CJ came home from Georgia. I was so happy to see him. We went to dinner at Famous Dave's.

This is Rose! one of the dogs. We laugh every time we pick her up and just hold her by the waist because she puts her arms to the side and she looks like she has chicken wings.

Kiara and Rose... best dogs in the world.

For SOME reason, Kiara loves CJ so much. she will chose him over me any day. One day, I had walked in the room and Kiara was there, passed out next to CJ all cuddling next to his head. So cute!

So, in December, I had started to get a little sad that there was no snow for Christmas. Its Vegas, of course there is no snow but it was the first time that I didn't have snow for Christmas. I actually love the snow but only to a certain point. as soon as January 1st hits, I want the snow to go away. Anyway, one morning i would up and just happened to look out the window and there was snow. snow on the road, ground, bushes, trees, EVERYWHERE. I couldn't believe it. It snowed all day and all night. It hadn't snowed in Vegas for the past 3o years and the one year that we happened to be here, it came. We brought it with us, And the best part about it is that it went away after a few days and didn't come back. :) Perfect!!!

My Car!

The hammock in the backyard

Never thought you would see a Palm tree with snow on it... hu?

The pathway from our front door to the front of the house.

CJ had put my coat on and I thought it was funny!

Christmas day.... My Jewelry Box.

CJ's camping propane stove.

These are all the games that we got for Christmas this last year.

Christmas day, we drove all the way to Utah so that we could spend time with the family over the weekend. That weekend, on Saturday, We went to the Crapo's Christmas party. Then that afternoon we learned that Kaylin (CJ's cousins wife) was stuck in Salt Lake City for the day while she was trying to get home in Alaska from Texas. We went and had lunch with her as well as Elizabeth. It was so much fun to see her.

Later that night, we went to the Chisholm Family Christmas party (my moms side of the family)

My sister, Ashley and little cousin Taylor
My little brother, Hunter, really wanted to play a game with CJ and had asked him to play tag, and hide and seek. CJ suggested rock, paper, scissors. It was pretty funny to watch Hunter play. He's so cute!.... Both of them. :)

The cutest cousin in the world, Kennedy. She is growing up so fast. Also, uncle Tim (left) and uncle Clint (right)( also Kennedy's dad)

Grandpa.... need i say more? hes a funny man!
Grandma. :)

And I got a picture of CJ being sweet. ha ha. I just love him!
Also, for Christmas, CJ had got me a gift certificate to go get sushi. I decided that I wanted to go for my birthday. So, we did! I loved it. MMMM.... so so so good!!!

CJ's sushi

My Sushi

The day after my birthday, we had gone over to my cousins Aunt April and Uncle Dan's house. Richard had made me a cake as well as got me a book with blank paper in it so that it would encourage me to start writing again. Michael gave me ten bucks. it was fun. This is me getting ready to blow my candles out.
My cake that Richard made. 22 candles in the shape of a 22. CLEVER!
And this is everybody, but me, Digging in to the delicious cake. (I had some but I was taking the picture.)
Today, CJ went to go with Richard on a cross country flight. Richard is in flight school and CJ was just going along for the ride. They ended up not getting in the plane because of the weather but CJ got a cool picture of the airplane with Richard inside of it.

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